Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone you’re probably getting ready to make your house look as festive as The Giswold’s front lawn. After you deck the halls you should shoot a video and send it to us! We love synchronized Christmas light decorations, and we found 10 videos that will make you love them too!
Holdman Christmas Lights (Amazing Grace)
We love this one, because it starts out slowly with a classic Christmas hymn—and then POW! It pumps up the beats and the light coordination is amazing. You can also catch the entire light show here.
Christmas Lights Gone Wild
This 2005 video is the one that started the whole Christmas light synchronization fad. Carson Williams, an electrical engineer from, Ohio programmed the 88 Light-O-Rama channels that controlled 16,000 Christmas lights for three hours. This light show includes over 25,000 lights and took almost two months and $10,000 to put together.
Christchurch’s 2012 Christmas Lights Display
Even though the synchronization on this one isn’t particularly impressive, the size of it certainly is! Like the video says, “300,000 lights, 70,000 man-hours, 30,000 cable ties, and 1 tolerant wife” all helped make this magnificent light show a success!
Christmas from the Sunshine State
Even though we don’t know very much about who made this display. We do know that it was in Malabar, FL. The whimsical music is the perfect tune for a Christmas light show, and the synchronization is creative, too!
Christmas Style
If you’re a fan of Psy’s Gangnam Style, then you will love this Christmas light show! This awesome display is synchronized to Gangnam style so well that it makes you want to get up and dance right along with it!
Nutty Nutcracker
Transiberian Orchestra takes your favorite holiday songs and turns them into something epic. When you put awesome Christmas lights to that music, the results are always perfect. This video is no exception.
Sandstorm in the North Pole
This Christmas light show has a slow build that we love. It starts out looking like nothing special, but trust us. This video goes crazy with lights by the end of it! It takes us back to our mixer days in High School.
Have a Dubstep Christmas
Even though this video isn’t the highest quality, the light show is worth it. Not only are there so many lights, but the music has a great modern touch. They also use some quotes from our favorite holiday films!
Medley Holidays!
We love this video, because it has all of our favorite holiday songs! Of course, this show is synced up to the Transiberian Orchestra so it’s fabulous!
Christmas that Packs a Punch
Even though this Christmas display isn’t outside, it’s still pretty cool. It looks like this set up was done on a stage as a demo, but we don’t mind! Watch the entire thing all the way to the end. It certainly kicks the holiday spirit up a notch.
So now you have some ideas for your own holiday Christmas light show. Be safe! Make sure you have all of the proper tools and safety equipment needed to hang your lights. Once you’re all set up send us some photos and video so we can share it with our customers!