The weather’s getting warmer, people are moving around a little more, and with the world reopening slowly but surely, you’ve already started to think about lounging by a pool relaxing in the summer sun. Of course, the last thing you probably want to think about is roof maintenance for your Bucks County home, but we encourage you to reconsider this if you don’t want your vacation ruined by expensive roofing repairs.
While fantasies of summer are taking shape, there’s still a month or two before they’ll become a reality. This delay is the perfect time for you to protect your home’s roof by doing a few simple things to prepare for the summer:
Check Your Gutters
Gutters are an essential part of your roof for a couple of different reasons, and that means you should make sure they’re in working order.
At a baseline, your gutters help divert water away from your home, which reduces the amount of stress placed on your roof and home’s foundations. Everyone knows that spring and summertime are filled with lots of rainstorms, and that’s why you want to make sure that your roof is prepared.
A secondary reason you want to inspect your gutters before the summer season is an aspect of the system that isn’t often thought of: the gutters are attached to your roof’s structure. You want to check for signs that the gutters are becoming loose since intense rainfall or a wind gust can tear them away, damaging your roof in the process.
Replace Loose Shingles
If you have a shingle roof, you want to make sure that you look for loose shingles along with loose gutters. Your shingles are essentially the armor your roof has against the weather, and loose shingles can quickly turn into leaks that damage your roof’s supporting structure or invite mold inside your home while you’re away.
Check For Mold
While mold inside your home is dangerous, you want to see if algae or mold is growing on your roof as well. Signs of growth can indicate damage to the roof or be the precursor to damage later in the season when the mold or algae loosens the roofing material or compromises the sealants, prompting a leak.
For more summertime roof maintenance tips or to get a quote for residential roof repair services in Bucks County, PA, and the surrounding areas, call A. Brooks Construction Kanga Roof today!