Every year, A. Brooks Construction Kanga Roofing holds their annual coloring contest, and it’s one of our favorite events!
Are your little ones 12 and under? Do they have extra-ordinary coloring skills? They should participate in A. Brooks Construction Kanga Roof’s 2015 Coloring Contest! Not only is this contest a ton of fun, but they could win some Phillies Tickets! Now that’s a reason to start coloring!
Simply download our coloring template and grab your favorite colored crayons! Color in the kangaroo, and fill out the entry form on the left so we know who you are!
When you’re done your masterpiece drop it off at the Chick-fil-A in the Oxford Valley Mall at 2424 E. Lincoln Highway. You get a FREE Chick-fil-A nuggets (4 count) meal just for handing in your coloring creation! Hurry! You have until May 1st to hand in your masterpiece!
Winners will be announced on May 12th during “Family Dinner Night” at Chick-fil-A. Feel free to stop by and enjoy a night with the fam!
A. Brooks Construction Kanga Roof has been serving the Bucks County area for over 20 years. We love giving back to the community that has been so good to us.