Finally! Winter is almost over! It’s time to open your windows and start letting fresh air fill your home. You’ve been cooped up all winter, and the heat running in your home has only created a dusty mess. Grab a mop and bucket—because springtime means cleaning time, and you’ve got a lot of work to do!
We really love looking for ways to make cleaning easier on our Cleaning Frenzy board on Pinterest. We found some excellent tips & tricks to help make your cleaning endeavors a breeze! From eco friendly ingredients to easy cleaning hacks we’ve got the tips that will transform your spring cleaning from a chore to an easy afternoon!
Start your spring cleaning spree by mixing up some eco friendly cleaning solutions! You don’t need to break the bank with toxic chemicals when you can find these items right in your pantry. You can make a dusting spray by simply combining 2 tsp. of olive oil, 1 tsp. of lemon juice, ¼ c of white vinegar and 1 c of warm water.You can create an all purpose cleaner by using 2 tsp. of baking soda, ½ tsp. of Dawn dish soap, 4 tbsp. of white vinegar and 400 ml of warm water. Finally, you can make your very own glass cleaner by using ½ c of rubbing alcohol, 8 drops of Dawn dish soap and 2 c of warm water. Now you’re ready to clean any corner of your home!
Do you hate cleaning your ceiling fans? We have a trick that will make it so much easier! All you need to do is wrap an old pillowcase around the blades of your fan. You can use the pillowcase to wipe each blade, and all of the dust will fall into the pillowcase. Not onto your floor! This is a great time saver when you’re cleaning your house from top to bottom.
Does your home have stainless steel appliances? Did you know baby oil could leave them looking shiny and new? Well, it can! Before rubbing baby oil onto your stainless steel appliances, wipe down your appliances with a soft, wet rag. You could also use one of those natural cleaning mixtures you made earlier! While the baby oil will add shine to your steel surface, it won’t actually clean it. One your surface is clean, put some baby oil onto your cloth and wipe it in the same direction as the grain of your stainless steel appliance. Then, turn your cloth over and gently dry the surface. Softly buff the oil off, and you’ll have a lasting sine!
If your roof needs a little more than standard spring-cleaning—we can help! Give us a call at 215.752.6145. We’ll be right over to check out your roof, windows and gutters to make sure everything is ready for the incoming season. We’ll do everything from cleaning the winter out of your gutters to replacing your windows in time for those summer energy bills. Shake off those winter blues and get ready to give your home a makeover during the spring season!