Don’t be bummed at the thought of saying goodbye to the summer season. There are plenty of things to be excited for! Fall is right around the corner, and that means your kids are getting ready to go back to school. You know this year is going to be a great one for your kids, and we do too! We found a few Back to School tips on Pinterest that will make the first few weeks of school a breeze! We even created a special Back to School board so you can see all of our favorite ideas. Here is a great tip on how to organize your kids’ backpack!
You don’t want your kids to show up to school with a messy backpack, do you? Organizing your child’s backpack is a quick start to a successful school year thanks to this tip from For starters, you should store your kids’ pencils and sharpeners in the front pocket of their backpack for easy accessibility. Keep their pens, markers and/or highlighters in a small plastic box. Have cords and chargers coiled and wrapped with a rubber band to avoid tangles. Keeping cords in a soft pouch makes them extra secure and damage free!
Instead of multiple notebooks— use a binder filled with folders for each subject, and place the binder in the largest section of your kids’ backpack. This cuts down on clutter and keeps everything in one convenient spot. Weight distribution will be a breeze and it frees up space for smaller items.
Lunch money should be placed in the inside of your child’s backpack in a small zippered pouch. Make sure your kids’ backpack has a mesh pocket to store water bottles! Keeping them on the outside of a backpack helps eliminate damage if your bottle springs a leak! If you’re packing your kids lunch, keep it in the front of the backpack to avoid crushing!
We know you have more to organize than your kids’ backpacks for the upcoming school year. That’s why you haven’t gotten around to taking care of your roof! If you think your home could use a pair of trained eyes on it—give us a call. We’ll be over to give you a full roof estimate for only $49.95. Call us today at 215.752.6545!