April Showers bring May flowers, but sometimes the rain leaves you and your kids bored in doors without anything to do. Don’t think of the rain as a downer, but as an opportunity for the family to spend time with one another! Rainy days are the best way to bring the family together for some fun filled activities. We love adding fun family activities on our For Kids board on Pinterest. Here are a few of our favorite indoor activities that are sure to make those rainy days as fun as the sunny ones!
You’re kids are cooped up inside on a miserable day—why not bring the high seas directly to them? You can transform your bathtub into the seven seas with this fun indoor activity for your kids. All you need is one piece of poster board cut into the form of a sail taped to your bathroom wall and a steering wheel made of black poster board taped to the front of your “tub boat.” You can even lay a blue blanket onto the bathroom floor to create the perfect vast ocean! Your kids will have a great time fishing off the side of the boat or pretending to be pirates! This activity will make the rainy day float by!
Have some extra crepe paper lying around the house? Better yet…is it red? Take a few stripes and tape them in different angles in a long hallway. Have the kids do their best jewelry thief impression and challenge them to make it through without touching the paper.
Have some fun with a bag filled with googly eyes! Give your kids a magazine, some copies of old family photos and some Elmer’s Glue and you’ll have entertainment for hours! Turn the celebrity on the cover of your Vanity Fair into a googly eyed mess. Make grandma look silly with a pair of giant eyes. Your kids will love adding this fun craft to any photo in the house! So look out!