How often do you think of the roof on your home or business? Most people will say they rarely think about this part of the structure, but it plays a key role in keeping you and your assets safe from the elements.
The roof also protects your home or business from water damage. Think of it as an umbrella. If your umbrella has holes in it, you are going to get wet.
The same is true if the roof has holes in it. The contents of the building will get wet. You don’t want this to happen because water damage is expensive to fix.
You need to ensure your asphalt roof fulfills its purpose, and we can help. Call A. Brooks Construction and we will send one of our roofers out to inspect the roof and ensure it is in good condition.
If we find any problems during this inspection, we can handle the roof repairs. We also offer roof replacement services. Regardless of what you need, our roofing company can help.
Roof Maintenance
The best way to avoid the need for repairs or roof replacements is to maintain the roof. With regular maintenance, you reduce the risk of a minor problem becoming a significant issue that could lead to the need to replace the roof.
While your asphalt shingle roofing should last for years, proper maintenance helps to keep moisture at bay. In addition, a roof in excellent shape lowers your energy costs by better insulating the home.
We understand this is a task that is easy to forget. To prevent that from happening, sign up for our Overhead Care Club. We’ll visit your home or business and handle all maintenance tasks so you don’t have to.
Our residential and commercial roofers enjoy doing this work. They want your roof to last as long as possible and know this is the best way to ensure that it does.
The relationship we develop with you during these visits is what we live for. You become part of our family and we love that your place your trust in us. We go above and beyond what is necessary to ensure your satisfaction, as that is what we want for our loved ones.
Roof Repairs
If your roof needs repairs, we do the work with smiles on our faces. Our residential roofing team and our commercial roofers would rather complete a repair than replace a roof, as they know this saves you time and money.
Many things can damage asphalt shingle roofing. Hail storms are a common culprit of roof damage, and flying sticks or other debris during a storm could do harm to the roof.
Animals serve as another source of the damage we see to roofs. Regardless of the cause, we make repairs, so your roof is good as new once again.
As our roofing contractor inspects the roof, they identify all areas of concern. Some problems require immediate attention. Other issues may only need to be watched. The contractor will provide you with detailed information about what they find, so you can make an informed choice regarding repairs.
At times, a repair won’t be enough to resolve the issues you are experiencing. Don’t worry. We handle roofing installations for our customers, so you only have one roofing company to work with and have confidence the roof will be of the highest quality.
Roof Replacements
The day may come when you need to replace your roof. When it does, we discuss all options with you to ensure the right choice is made for your home or business. Many people prefer an asphalt shingle roof, but other options are available.
For example, you may wish to install a metal roof as part of your reroofing project. We’ll discuss the benefits and drawbacks associated with doing so. Our goal is to help you find the roof that will meet your needs now and in the coming years.
Why Choose Us?
We have been serving the Bucks County area for 35 years, providing residents and businesses with quality roofing services. Our team is certified in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, but that isn’t enough for us. We are bonded and insured, so you have peace of mind when we visit your property.
Furthermore, we require every employee to undergo a background check and drug test. They undergo professional training, so they know how to handle any situation that comes up with your roof. This helps to explain why we have earned a reputation as one of the best roofing contractors in the area. Call us today to set up your appointment.
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Overhead Care Club & Introducing the NEW Heroes Program
Become one of our loyal customers, and receive the overhead care club for half the cost.
When you enroll in our Overhead Care Club, you’ll receive Kanga Roof’s most reliable roofing services, including:
The Roof Care Advantage
A 21-Point Roof Check-up and Attic Analysis ($379 Value)
Garage Door Inspections
($179 value)
Skylight Cleaning
($99 value)
Large Debris Removal
($79 value)
Our Overhead Care Club also comes with an exclusive members-only 10% repair discount. You’ll also receive an exclusive $19.95 reduced service fee, and 60% savings on diagnostics. That’s a $89.99 value for only $19.95!
With your exclusive club membership you’ll hop to the front of the line. Priority guaranteed appointments within 24 hours